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Friday, January 25, 2013

Aviation Fuel Level

Traditional Aircraft Fuel Sender 
Why don't my fuel gauges work?

Let us cover a few basics  

  • Aviation industry has utilized level senders from other applications
    • Aviation is not the largest market or the most financially rewarding for a dedicated fuel level sensing solution.
  • Aircraft fuel tanks are larger than those for most other applications. 
    • An aircraft carries more fuel.
  • An aircraft has three degrees of motion freedom 
    • The liquid fuel is free to move about.
There are other factors.
  • Why not design a new system 
    • Fuel Level Intellectual Property is hotly contested territory (a patent minefield) 
      • A new aviation design must avoid other patents 
    • The market share is small
    • The perceived liability - Top 5 aircraft incident issue
  • Fuel Level in Aircraft needs to be "Intrisically Safe".
    • Explosion Proof 
      • Limited Spark or Heat Energy in the fuel tank. 
    • Non - Contact "The best solution" for Intrinsic safety is the hottest IP in Fuel Level
      • Required for multi fuel and hybrid vehicles
      • Required for vehicles with long term fuel storage - i.e. Boats
      • Required in LNG / LPG
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Fuel sending works in my car.

  • Automotive fuel tanks are smaller
    • What would be adequate for a resolving 16 gallons of fuel has difficulty with 3 times the volume.   
      • If you have a boat - this is also an issue as you are well aware
    • The variable resistor technology used in automotive applications doesn't scale well
      • The variable resistor cards used,  allow 60 degrees of travel  - a good resistive card for aircraft or boats would require minimum. 180 degrees or more.
  • Relatively stable fluid motion 
    • The automotive sensor is exposed to some fluid motion but overall less. 
    • Aircraft fuel can remain quite stable - however turbulence will creates concentrated fluid motion.
      • This motion wears the resistive trace - so inadequate resolution of the variable resistor is now faced with increased wear.  From bad to worse.
  • The basic requirements 
    • Standard aircraft fuel gauges are calibrated only for the full and empty position.
      • Caveat - new automotive systems are calibrated to the tank - great improvement
      • Caveat - new aircraft MFD's allow tank calibration - Aerospace Logic, JPI, Garmin

  • Almost daily use  
    • The automotive sensor is continually washed with new solvent at every filling and fuel fills are more frequent. 
    • Aircraft fuel can remain in the tank for long periods - it is designed to do so - however impurity buildup on the variable resistor are common at a fraction of usage time of the automotive application.
      •  it is quite common to have your aircraft senders ultrasonically cleaned

Propane Level Gauge
New requirements for intrinsic safety for all aviation fuel level systems 

  • The general aircraft industry found that they could utilize a commercial off the shelf, patented float sending unit from the propane industry
  • This met the new safety requirements and directly replace a float level legacy system.
    • A Non- Contact solution - the resistance card was removed from the tank environment.
    • Shock inputs from turbulent air can however de-couple the matched magnetic drive and the the gauge will take a set but in-accurate reading or drift back to the correct reading.
    • Suffice to say - Propane Tanks were not meant to fly
Aircraft Capacitive Sender Ad - 1948
Alternatives  - 

Capacitive Senders -

Conceived in the Late 1940's this aircraft fuel sending system set about to address the two most common issues presented above - fluid motion and resolution of the larger fuel quantity.   

These are the most widely used in aircraft above 12,500 lb 

Capacitive Sensor Benefits 

  • Immunity from fluid motion 
  • Greater resolution of the large fuel volume 
  • Shapable to the fluid volume - tailored to the tank volume.

Capacitive Sensor Issues
  • Difficult to Prove Intrinsic Safety
    • The definition of the sensor is to utilize two metallic or conductive elements in the tank 
    • The intrinsic safety requirement must be met with increasing the complexity of the system.
    • It is a spark in the capacitive sensor that initiated the explosion in TWA 800 fuel tank
  • Moisture Rejection
    • An aircraft fuel tank breathes on ascending and descending - moisture in the air is constantly brought in contact with the fuel.  Sealing the tank is not an option.
    • As the capacitive utilizes the fuel contents as an integral element of the level reading - this variable is very difficult to manage.
  • What's in the tank - matters a great deal 
    • Fuel must be:
      • uniform 
      • moisture-free
      • stable and uniform temperature
      • contaminant free
    •  to give a consistent and accurate fuel level indication 
When you review the system above - the capacitive sender solved several issues with fuel level indication, however it brought a few of it's own limitations along for the ride.
Ideal Aircraft Solution Characteristics
  • Non Contact - New FAA Requirement
    • Intrinsically Safe - 
      • The alternative is proven safe electronics in the fuel
    • Immune to fuel contamination
  • Unaffected by Fluid motion 
    • No wear items related to fuel level reporting
  • High Resolution 
    • Address the larger quantity of fuel in aviation systems.
  • Simplicity 
    • The best aviation solutions eschew complexity where a simple system provides equivalent benefit.
CIES Inc AMR Fuel Level 

Float Based Level Sensing - Retrofits or directly replaces most units in the field
  • Non Contact 
    • No - Safety Issues 
    • No - Fluid Contamination
    • No - No moisture or fuel quality issues
  • Immune to Fluid motion
    • No wear of fuel level reporting system
  • Resolution 
    • Digital output
      • More fuel level information 
      • Integrity of the level signal
      • Interfaces to modern avionic solutions
    • Ability to output fuel temperature - Lbs fuel. 
  • Simplicity

    • No complexity required
    • On the platforms we have been applied - exceed it's requirements

CIES Inc AMR  A sensor that was designed for and patented with the aviation industry in mind, but suitable for all high value applications.

1 comment:

  1. Aviation fuel is used to power aircraft. It is generally of a higher quality than fuels used in less critical applications.... Australia and the USA oppose a worldwide levy on aviation fuel, but a number of other countries have expressed interest.
    Aviation Fuel
